Astrological Signs
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what are they?
A visual representation of the start of an event or birth, showing the positions of all the planets in our Solar System (including the Sun and the Moon) and their relative position in the Zodiac. The Zodiac is the "wheel" which portrays all 12 Astrological Sun Signs in sequence.
So it really is a diagram that depicts the position of the planets in relation to the earth at the unique time of birth of an individual, or even the time of a specific event.
The diagram, is also known as a Birth Chart. The twelve texts that you will find in your magazine,newspaper or favourite web site is actually the interpretation of this chart which is done by an Astrologer using a considerable degree of intuition, much experience, a fair degree of Psychic abilities and a vast array of knowledge regarding interpreting the chart.
This is a Horoscope, it is also known as a Birth Chart. The text named as Horoscopes in your magazine,newspaper or favourite web site is actually the written interpretation of the Birth Chart / Horoscope. In effect it is a picture of your connection to the Universe.
Above you will see a Birth Chart (also known as a Horoscope) it is really a diagram that depicts the position of the planets in relation to the earth at the time of birth of an individual, or even the time of any specific event.
Around the outside of the Birth Chart above within 12 segments (equidistant in conventional Astrology or unequal in Huber Astrology which I use), are the 12 Astrological Sun Signs in sequence. This is a portrayal of the zodiac which the planets are seen to pass through in the sky when viewed from Earth.
In an inner circle is marked all the planets in our Solar System (including the Sun and the Moon), they are portrayed relative to the Zodiac.
In the center of the chart are marked (coloured lines are only used in Huber Astrology). These lines indicate a certain relationship to each of the Zodiac signs and Planets. There various individual interpretations are blended to form the unique character of the individual or event.
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